Creating a custom site script in SharePoint

21 July 2023

To customize SharePoint further, the next step is to apply a site template. Microsoft offers a variety of default site templates, each with its own specific theme and some even come with pre-designed pages, lists, navigation, and other useful features that are automatically applied when used on a site. In the menu used to apply site templates, there’s also the option to apply a template provided by your organization.

Add a custom theme to SharePoint using PowerShell

11 July 2023

SharePoint provides users with a default set of themes which can be used to change the colours of sites. There are a good selection of default themes, but if your organization has got a specific colour scheme you may want to create a custom theme in line with your brand. We’re going to create a new theme and add it to SharePoint so that it’s available across all our sites.

JavaScript rest operator

20 October 2022

The rest operator in JavaScript is a series of 3 dots (…) and is used to put the rest of some values into an array and then assign it to the value specified after the 3 dots. The best way to learn how to use the rest operator is to look at a few examples. […]

JavaScript destructuring

10 September 2022

In JavaScript we work a lot with Objects, especially in React when each component is an Object and we’re passing props which are Objects. We’re often required to unpack the objects to use the variables they contain and JavaScript destructuring is one way we can do this.

JavaScript Array.filter() and Array.find()

26 August 2022

After learning how to iterate through items in an array using, there are other useful functions which make it easy to use and manipulate data in an array. We’ll look at filtering and finding items in an array.


16 August 2022

The JavaScript function allows you to easily loop over the items of an array without having to create your own loop. This can make your code more readable and easier to maintain.

JavaScript callback functions

6 August 2022

Functions exist in most programming languages and are an important aspect of JavaScript. A function is a block of code which performs a specific task defined by the programmer. Using functions allows us to avoid writing the same code multiple times to do the same task.

In JavaScript a function is an object which means we can pass it as an argument to another function. This concept is known as a callback function.

Add custom WordPress REST API endpoints

20 July 2022

The addition of the WordPress REST API has turned WordPress into a CMS that can be used in headless websites and applications. Developers who are already comfortable using WordPress to store their content can now easily access it from anywhere.
